CPCD was founded in 1987 as a spin-off of Catholic Charities to manage the Head Start program in El Paso County. At that time, we were funded to serve 300 children in just one program. We now reach nearly six times that number. Today, CPCD, formally known as Community Partnership for Child Development, operates 63 classrooms in six county school districts and on Fort Carson. We have approximately 360 employees, including teachers, family advocates, nurses, bus drivers, and administrative and support staff. We partner with Early Connections Learning Centers, School District 11, and 10 family child care homes to bring the total number of classrooms to 75, serving more than 1,800 children each day.

Original CPCD Board of Directors
Back Row (Left to Right): Richard Firth, J. Michael Turley, Bill McCord, Stephen M. Tucker
Front Row (Left to Right): Lani Robbins, Sharon Higgins, Barbara Umstattd, Debbie Stinson (CEO), Frances Jenkins
Not Pictured: Elva Felder, Paul Isenstadt